So just what did happen in the case of the wayward hosting company and registrar?

Things should have got better right?

Well the registrar company called. They have no centralized system for gathering emails on a topic nor can they read pdfs because of security issues. hmm… I had to call them back because I do not take calls whose numbers are not registered in my contacts.

I received an email from the caller explaining the above and asking me to call. I did. He promised to follow through with yet a third domain transfer. I was wondering now what is the middleman going to think, is this going to register an alert. hmm.

I forwarded the hosting company contact to this registrar. Minutes later, I received an email from the hosting company that they had sent the transfer letter. They also stressed to me how important it was for me to click it. hmm I have two middlemen letters stating that I clicked the letters. hmm becomes humma at this point.

This leg of the great misadventure was five hours ago and no word yet from the middlemen. For me that’s a tip that things are not going well. Usually the letter would have already been forthcoming.

I am trying to figure out which party has the unlucky star. Surely not me, though it looks that way as my domain value just in name has dropped $1500. Let’s not even talk about what happens when people click on the links at the top of 30 million links and it timesout. No lets not talk about how incredibly damaging that is.

Good lord, I have done everything.

I was watching Brothers & Sisters on my laptop where Nora goes beyond hope to free a missing Tommy. Yes Nora I have done everything to free my domain.

p.s. I am only keeping these posts for 24 hours and then I delete them, because what’s the point.